I know how frustrated you are.
You’ve wanted to draw for so long and now the time is finally right.
So you bought a sketchbook and some pencils and tried to draw some things around you. And it felt like someone punched you.
There, on the paper, is a drawing that looks like a child drew it! So you try some more and pages get filled with eraser-smudged attempts of wonkiness. Why?
A lot of beginners don’t realize that artists look at the world differently.
While others see things—cats and trees and cars, artists see spaces and shapes and angles.
See Like an Artist
So how do you get there? How do you see things like an artist?
How to Draw What You See will get you past this wonky stage in a very short time. How?
I’ve taken my 30-years of teaching and my YouTube videos and compressed them into a series of step-by-step exercises. These exercises let you experience each of the skills artists use to draw from observation.
These ideas aren’t new. A lot of authors have covered them in a lot of books.
But what I’ve found is there are a few skills that will make the biggest difference, the fastest. And it doesn’t take hundreds of pages to get there.
How to Draw What You See is a 46-page PDF ebook that will help you:
- Observe Edges
- Observe Negative Spaces
- Observe Angles and Proportions
- Observe Shapes of Shadows
- Observe Gestalt
These are the skills all artists use when drawing. The drawing on the cover shows the finished result of the exercises.
So how much is this life-changing ebook, you ask?
I’m practically giving it away at $10. Think of it. You spend twice that going out to lunch.
$10 to finally draw like you’ve always wanted!
And if you’re still wondering if How to Draw What You See is worth it, consider this:
I know an artist who struggled for 15 years, banging away in frustration. He knew he should learn and practice the “fundamentals”—whatever they were! But that’s not the fun part.
The fun part is diving in, pushing the paint around, “expressing creativity.” But it’s not much fun when it looks like shit.
He finally took a step back and focused on the drawing fundamentals. In a very short time his paintings were completely transformed.
He could suddenly paint with the confidence he always wanted. And was mad at himself for putting it off for so long.
Where would he be if he had learned the fundamentals 15 years ago?!
So why should you download How to Draw What You See now, today?
What’s the rush?
The urgency is, think of how frustrated you really are with your current drawing level.
How long have you been struggling?
How much more time to you want to waste avoiding the fundamentals when they’re so easy to learn?
Download How to Draw What You See and draw better, faster, like you’ve always wanted.
© 2024 Lauren Ball, Illustrator